Quotation Explorer - 'Syed Sharukh'

The only thing that can fall in Love is Love - Syed Sharukh
Mark My Words, My Words In Other Words Are Not Just Words. - Syed Sharukh
Thinking not to think is Still thinking - Syed Sharukh
One who knows One, knows Everyone - Syed Sharukh
Thing in Everything - Syed Sharukh
It takes two to tango but It takes "ONE" to Love - Syed Sharukh
I'm not in love, The love is within me! - Syed Sharukh
For me it's NOT to, It's "For"give; As Given it's NOT you "For"given - Syed Sharukh
My Words Are For The Ones Who Get It, Rest Forget It ! - Syed Sharukh
When you say what's not being said;Then it is being said when you cannot say - Syed Sharukh
Am I on your mind or out of my mind - Syed Sharukh
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